Disability Week 2013

Disability Week is an initiative of Premier Life in association with Churches for All and CfA partner Livability which runs from 31 August to 7th September, dates set to link with the Special Olympics running in Bath from 28th August to 1st September. Listen in to Premier Christian Radio for special programming on disability-related topics – Read More to see the programming for the week. Visit the webpage to learn more and to listen to a series talks recorded at the recent Enabling Church conferences.
To find out more visit disabilityweek.org.uk
To listen on-line click here.
This is what’s happening on Premier Christian Radio during the week …
Sunday 1st
Reflections with Marilyn Baker: a studio discussion called ‘Will I Need A Blue Badge In Heaven?’ It features three differently disabled people – Ann Memmott, Tony Phelps-Jones and Dr Mike Townsend who consider, with reference to Biblical passages, whether or not they will be disabled in Heaven. Issues around Christian ‘wholeness’ and ‘healing’ are included in the discussion.
Premier Tonight: Gordon Temple, from Churches For All – taking calls with Michael Fanstone
Monday 2nd
Inspirational Breakfast: Adam Bonner – Greenbelt and the relaunch of Churches Inc
10.30am Caring for Carers (Jonathan Clark) – Enabling Church
Woman to Woman: BARONESS SHEILA HOLLINS – DISABILITY WEEK – ARE ALL HUMANS EQUAL? With the success of the Paralympics, we will be asking this week how the Church can support those with disabilities of various kinds to achieve their full potential.
4.40pm Church Conga Feature with Guest: Roy McCloughry (Nottingham, Anglican)
Tuesday 3rd
10.30am Onset and Adjustment (Gordon Temple) – Enabling Church
Drive: Trevor Adams – Dementia Friendly Churches – recorded at Greenbelt
4.40pm Church Conga Feature with Guest: Revd Glen Graham (Devon, Baptist)
Wednesday 4th
Inspirational Breakfast: Stephanie Reid, Paralympic Athlete – Have Attitudes Toward Disability Changed?
10.30am Social Interaction (Miggs Clark) – Enabling Church
4.40pm Church Conga Feature with Guest: Cristina Gangemi (Catholic, Croydon)
Thursday 5th
10.30am Church for All (Roy Searle) – Enabling Church
4.40pm Church Conga Feature with Guest: Dr Mike Townsend (Baptist, Leicestershire)
Friday 6th
10.30am Engaging with the Community (Mike Townsend)
Saturday 7th
Big Breakfast: Interview with Jonathan Edwards from Prospects, Disability Charity
Premier Worship: Breaking of Bread – using “Speak the Word” Worship music from Prospects