Enabling Church comes to Bristol

Book now! The second 2013 Enabling Church day conference is in Bristol on Saturday 6th July. The first of this pair of conferences took place in the North-East on 22nd June. This is what delegates had to say about it: Great day; Very informative; Good conversations; So lovely to talk to people about disability without their eyes glazing over; I enjoyed every minute of it; An excellent conference; Thought provoking; Enjoyed and have benefited from the whole day; Pregnant with meaning; Well worthwhile; Lots to tell the Church, lots of lessons learned; Good fellowship; Thank you for the opportunity to attend EVERYONE should have come I feel that I can take small changes to our Church which will make a massive difference; A day which blessed me more than I can say.
Now is your chance to book for the South West conference in Bristol on 6th July. Click here to go the Premier Christian Media website booking page, or click here for more information and for the conference flyers, or click to see the full programme and speaker biographies.