CfA Zone at CRE

Will you be coming to the International Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park? Then be sure to come to the Church for All Zone. The exhibtion runs from 14th to 17th May. You’ll find us in the Surrey Hall – to the right at the top of the main entrance staircase. Many of the Churches for All partners and associates are exhibiting in the Zone and we have our own activity and hospitality area with a daily programme of interviews and activities. Come and find out more about the Churches for All networkl and, much more importantly, about how your church can be more a welcoming and enabling community for disabled people. More information about the CfA Zone at CRE Visit the CRE Sandown Park webpage. Here you can download a CRE brochure which includes CfA...
Read MoreEnabling Church conferences

Latest: venues announced. Following on from the enormous success of first Enabling Church conference in London in 2010, Churches for All is again working with Premier Christian Radio to take the Enabling Church concept to the regions – to the West and the North-East. Two dates have been set… Saturday 22nd June in the North East, and Saturday 6th July in the Bristol area The full day programme will include exploration of biblical perpective on disability and practical discussions about making your church more accessible to disabled people. The venue for the North East conference on 22nd June is Bethany Christian Centre, Hetton Road, Houghton Le Spring, Tyne and Wear, DH5 8PF. The venue for the Bristol conference on 6th July is Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church, Reedley Road, Bristol, Avon BS9 3TD Save the date now and watch this website for more information which will be posted as it becomes...
Read MoreCfA at Bristol Exhibition

Churches for All partners are among the 150 exhibitors at the Christian Resources Exhibtion held in Bristol on 23rd and 24th January. And there are three speakers from Churches for All partner organisation presenting seminars in the parallel conference. Churches for All has linked in with the Healing and Wholeness Zone to include a focus on disabled people in the life of the church. If you at the exhibition or in the neighbourhood come and see us in the Zone and at the Livability, Prospects and Torch Trust stands. Visit the Healing and Wholeness Zone page Download the CRE West brochure (PDF) Seminars are … Wednesday 23rd at 12 noon Enabling Church: A Biblical mandate for a church that blesses disabled people and is blessed by them. Dr Gordon Temple, Chief Executive of Torch Trust and Executive Officer of Churches for All Thursday 24th at 12 noon Everybody welcome? Disability, inclusion and your church One in eight working-age adults in the UK is disabled. Is that number represented in your church? How can we make our churches more accessible, inclusive and welcoming? Livability – previously known as the Shaftesbury Society – is a charity which works to create choices for disabled people, transform communities and fight injustice. Matt Ray, Livability Thursday 24th at 2pm Caring together, sharing together: High quality Christ-centred support and involvement for people with learning disabilities in church and community. Prospects supports people with learning disabilities to access life to the full. This includes support services for people, as well as supporting churches to reach out and effectively minister among people with learning disabilities. Pete Winmill, Assistant Director of Ministry,...
Read MoreDisability Sunday 2013

Disability Sunday for 2013 is 2nd June. It’s an opportunity for your church to celebrate the abilities of disabled people, perhaps engaging disabled people within the worship of the church or bringing a Christian approach to disability topics through the teaching and content of the service. The Enabling Church book offers a rich resource to draw upon and nearer the time Churches for All will be offering a downloadable pack to help plan Disability Sunday. Don’t worry if the date doesn’t suit your church programme. Simply choose another day. You can download the pack produced for Disability Sunday in 2012 called Redefining...
Read MoreEnabling Church on Kindle

ENABLING CHURCH – hailed as ‘a great addition to books that can be used to look at how we can best serve the whole population in an open, welcoming and inclusive way’ – can now be yours in less than a minute! The title is now available as a Kindle download, priced by Amazon at £6.83: ENABLING CHURCH has been written by Torch CEO Dr Gordon Temple with writer Lin Ball, with the aim of resourcing Christians who want to understand disability from a biblical perspective. Early reviews have been positive, praising the book for its positive messages on inclusion, acceptance and inter-dependency. The material in the book is presented in seven sessions ideal for small groups, with Bible study discussion questions, activities, prayer and worship suggestions, and real-life interviews with disabled people – but all of it can be used very flexibly by individuals and churches in different ways. The book has been commended for dispensing with jargon and also for being a platform for the voices of disabled people. The book ‘does just what it says on the tin,’ says Disability Advisor Wendy Bryant. ‘There is a good selection of imaginative exercise aimed at helping us to understand the experience of disability, and to explore our own attitudes, and the accounts of personal experiences help to bring the book alive.’ ENABLING CHURCH has been published as a standard 112-page paperback (by SPCK) and in braille, large print and audio editions (from Torch Trust). The standard print edition is available from Through the Roof on-line shop and from other Churches for All partners...
Read MoreCfA on the Radio

Gordon Temple and Lin Ball from Torch Trust, co-authors of the book Enabling Church, chat with UCB’s Paul Hammond on the UCB Morning show. Listen each morning (Tuesday September 18th at 10:25am, Wednesday 19th at 11:40am and Thursday 20th at 9:25am) and then hear the whole interview on Saturday evening 22nd September. Listen in on-line or on Sky 0125, Virgin 914, DAB Radio or get the iPhone App. The interview will also be made available as a podcast from during the following week. Also Mike Townsend, chair of Through the Roof and trustee of Torch Trust is on TWR lunchtimes during this same week. Listen...
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